Russell Honored With A Prestigious Safety Award

Russell Honored with a PRestigious Safety Award

Mike with Award
Mike Doucette Wins Safety Professional of the Year Award

Russell is excited to announce our very own Director of Safety, Mike Doucette, was named Master Builders of Iowa’s Safety Professional of the Year at their annual winter conference.

This award is bestowed to a devoted safety leader who ensures all safety program components come together to eliminate hazards in the workplace, and who also goes above and beyond in preserving workforce quality of life. With over 21 years of construction safety experience, Mike is responsible for the overall administration and implementation of Russell’s Safety and Health Program. Mike has been previously recognized with MBI’s Outstanding Safety Achievement Award and has been nominated as a finalist several times since.

Russell was also honored to have been selected as top two finalists in the categories of Safety Champion of the Year and Outstanding Company Safety Achievement Award (General Contractor) among 91 Regular (General Contractors) and 321 Associate (Specialty Contractors/ Suppliers).

Russell’s Director of Self-Perform, Bob Happ, was nominated as a finalist for MBI’s Safety Champion of the Year. This award is given each year to an individual who is not a safety professional but has had a substantial impact on the overall safety of job sites. Bob has been with Russell since 1984 and is responsible for manpower, safety, quality and performance in concert with the project teams for all self perform activities.

To add to the success of these individuals, Russell as a company was nominated as a finalist for the Outstanding Company Safety Achievement Award for General Contractors. The goal of this award is to recognize the significant achievements made by companies in work place safety. It identifies the best practices in accident prevention and promotes them throughout the rest of the industry.

Safety is the number one priority for our company, and it is with great pride that Russell accepts these outstanding honors.  To learn more about the event and each award, visit Master Builders of Iowa.