Vested Farms Greenhouse

hydroponic greenhouse

6,800 s.f. greenhouse housing a hydroponic urban farm used by Vested Urban Farms and Fresh Harvest 365…

St. Francis De Sales Church

exterior view of a church

This beautiful, 23,347 s.f. Church houses a 600-plus seat sanctuary that features a custom baptismal engraved with…

Mt. Carmel Church

exterior view of a church

This 24,000 s.f. addition includes a new sanctuary with amenity space, office space, and educational accommodations. The…

Macedonia Church

exterior view of a church

New 45,266 s.f. Worship Center with classrooms and offices. The 900-seat, two-level sanctuary is surrounded by classroom…

Life Church

church exterior facade

The Life Church project is a 40,000 s.f., 1,400 seat Worship Center with offices and classrooms. This…

Graham Chapel

aerial view of a brick chapel

This 10,000 s.f. project consisted of facility upgrades to Washington University’s historic Graham Chapel. Upgrades included new…

United Bank of Union

Exterior facade of a brick financial institution

This 32,000 s.f. project included a full exterior facade remodel, interior renovations, and a three-story addition.