USACE SOF Assessment & Selection Training Complex

Market Segment:

Services Rendered:

Square Footage:

28,600 Square Feet


Ft. Bragg, NC


Construction of a new 28,600 sf two-story building at Camp Mackall, NC, which will serve as a trainee Ready Building for the SOF Assessment and Selection Training Facility. The building will include sleeping bays and latrines for 240 trainees. The interior and exterior is to match the existing adjacent Ready Building in materials and appearance. The Ready Building is being built to meet LEED v4 Silver requirements.

This new Ready Building is being constructed to adequately house its expanding number of students, an Obstacle Course, and two enlarged Entry Control Points (ECPs). Special Operations Forces (SOF) conducts its missions and activities throughout the full range of military operations and in all environments, and provides the National Command Authority and theater commanders a means to resolve crises, achieve U.S. objectives, and pursue U.S. strategic goals. The Ready Building increases the amount of permanent space means to house the Special Operations Candidates, while the Obstacle Course serves in the assessment and selection of said candidates.