Group of men behind shovels and hard harts

Groundbreaking: Black Hawk College Building 1

Groundbreaking: Black Hawk College

On Thursday, March 22nd, we officially broke ground on Black Hawk College’s Building 1.  Almost 60 people gathered to witness the beginning of the $16 million addition and renovation to the campus.

This project is a part of Black Hawk College’s master plan to update the college’s facilities. Currently, Russell is upgrading Black Hawk’s Outreach Center’s HVAC system and classrooms as well as Black Hawk’s East Campus.  The new addition to Building 1 will include eight classrooms, faculty offices and HVAC system, LED lighting and fire-suppression systems. Construction is expected to be completed by the fall of 2019.  Russell is proud to have a continued partnership with Black Hawk College and is excited to be playing a role in bringing this project to life for them.

Check out these news stories below to learn more:
Dispatch- Argus: Black Hawk College marks start of $16M project
BHC: Building 1 Addition Groundbreaking