36th annual charity golf outing

let's get started.

Welcome to the online registration page for Russell’s Annual Charity Golf Outing. This event is dedicated to raising funds for a worthy charity in the Quad Cities area. 

The 36th Annual Russell Charity Golf Outing will be held at Crow Valley Golf Club. This is a “by invite only” event for our clients, trade partners, and architects.

REGISTRATION IS NOW FULL! If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email Jamie Calvert – jcalvert@russellco.com.

2024 charity of choice.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley helps children realize their potential and build their futures. They nurture children and strengthen communities.

For more than 30 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. As a donor supported volunteer organization, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, orchestrated matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 7 through 18, throughout eastern Iowa and western Illinois. They develop positive friendships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.

schedule of events.

The day will be filled with fun, networking, and best of all – raising funds for Habitat for Humanity!  Check out the day’s schedule of events here. 

Registration will take place on the driving range beginning at 9 AM. You are welcome to use the driving range for practice or network with you fellow golfers before the shot-gun start at 10:00 AM.

Golfers will be released at a “shot-gun” start beginning promptly at 10:00 AM.

Lunch will be served at dedicated locations on the course starting at 11:30. Be on the lookout – you won’t want to miss this!

Please join us in the pool area (weather permitting) for hors d’oeuvres and beverages after you finish golfing as we await the completion of golf. 

Join us as we present the big check!

**Award times are subject to change depending on the rate of play during the day. **

Available Sponsorships.

  • Golf Entry for Two Golfers
  • Recognition in Program
  • Signage & Recognition at Check-In and Awards Ceremony
  • Gift Inserts in Golfers’ Giveaway Bags (will require 180 items, size limitations apply)
  • Social Media Recognition
  • Golf Entry for One Golfer
  • Recognition in Program
  • Signage & Recognition at Awards Ceremony
  • Hole Signage
  • Social Media Recognition
  • Recognition in Program
  • Hole Signage
  • Social Media Recognition
  • Each ticket includes green fees, cart, lunch on the course, beverages, snacks, course contest, prizes, and the 19th hole reception.

register now!

Here is all the information you need on how to register.

    Register online by clicking the REGISTER NOW button below and completing your information (and payment) online!
    A downloadable PDF version of our invite with sponsorship information is here.  Once you have decided how you would like to participate, please return to the website to complete your registration online. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding the registration or payment process. 

  • Jamie Calvert: (563) 320-2345
  • Natalie Fritz: (574) 457-8028

All check payments should be sent to:

Attn: Golf Outing Registration
4700 E. 53rd Street,
Davenport, IA 52807